Category: iOS


Zombiewood for Android & iOS

Many gamers love the thrill of those games where they need to go round killing zombies. There are many titles available on a variety of platforms for them. Today we have news of a just released game, ‘Zombiewood’, for both the Android and iOS platforms and it promises pure Zombie infection to “deal” with. As it is being reported on...


Revenue from freemium apps shoots up

Some truly doubted that freemium would ever make it in the cutthroat world of apps. However, the model has proven very successful for developers, both on iOS and Android. AppAnnie tracks more than 700,000 applications, and has found out that revenue from freemium iOS apps has increased four times for the last two years, while just in 2012 that same...


Halloween Ringtones pro app

Even if you don’t have the coolest device, why not have cool ring tones to brag about?! Now, there is a new app available that lets you make use of some spooky Halloween ringtones on your device, and that app is called Halloween Ringtones Pro. Since the spookiest time of the year is fast approaching, no doubt there will be...


CoD Black Ops 2

With the mobile technology having improved a great deal in the last couple of years, offering more powerful hardware, processors that can handle most complex tasks, and much better displays, quite some popular gaming franchises have been released on mobile platforms.  It makes you think if a CoD Black Ops 2 iPad release should happen, too. Right thinking! And yes,...


“Your favorite Steve Jobs quotes” for for iOS App Store listing

Google has become famous for dropping little secret jokes or references in its various products. We’ve seen the various secrets found in different versions of Android, like Nyan Cat, and others. Now, someone has noticed that Google put one in the public App Store listing of its Gmail app. The screenshots for the Gmail app show a message titled “Your...


Problems with Apple Maps bring luck for other map developers

Since Apple’s iOS 6 has been released a lot has been said, written and shouted about the function of the Maps app. Some comments have been positive, others, eyebrows-lifting, yet a lot more have been ‘bitter’. Such a bad luck! Well … not for everybody! This problem has turned many to the App Store where they could purchase a third...


Facebook launches Android and iOS Updates

Facebook today pushed out updates to both its Android and iOS mobile applications, as promised. The FB for Android includes a number of under-the-hood tweaks that speed the app up. The FB Messenger for Android is also updated with a new layout, which will make it easier for the user to discover friends who are online, and it also provide...


FIFA 13 demo for PC; iOS release coming

We have witnessed the storming development of smartphone and tablet PC technology, and how popular gaming franchises have made the jump to numerous mobile platforms. Today we have a FIFA 13 demo for your PC , but an iOS release is coming soo too. We offer you here a video that includes a new feature called “First Touch Control”. As...


New Carmageddon & NFL Kicker 13 apps

A couple of new games were recently introduced on App Store, and they seem to be deserving at least a look, especially if you are into NFL football or car racing games. These new games are NFL Kicker 13, and Carmageddon. NFL Kicker 13 app is for iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple iPad, and offers all 32 official NFL teams,...


We may soon be seeing streaming radio service in Apples repertoire

What does it take for a good idea to come to life? Perhaps some audacity?  (in the good sense of course!) The idea: Pandora, Slacker, or Spotify radio, The audacity: “Apple could do that. We’ve got iTunes, so why not?” So here’s how Apple may be about to launch its own streaming radio service. Why not, indeed! Like most Apple...