Category: HTC


HTC Windows Phone 8X launch schedule

HTC’s Windows Phone 8X and 8S devices not only have been priced in the UK, but one of them (they say it’s the more interesting one) has even been made available for pre-orders on AT&T in the US. Rumors about early November launch we have heard, too, but it’s only now that we get specific dates on the duo market...


HTC Windows Phone 8X and Nokia Lumia 920 on pre-order

Best Buy has opened pre-orders for Nokia Lumia 920 and HTC Windows Phone 8X for AT&T users. The Nokia flagship is priced at $149.99 with a two-year contract, while the HTC WP 8X is offered at a very budget-friendly price of $99.99. There are no particular delivery dates specified yet. Best Buy has only mentioned that it “will ship when...


HTC J Butterfly announced for Japan

Rumors there have been around about a new HTC phone with a large 1080p display. Finally, from HTC came official confirmation. Indeed, the new handset, called ‘HTC J Butterfly’, is scheduled for release in Japan on AU/KDDI in December Its rumored display has also been confirmed, this making the device the first smartphone to have a 1080p display. This is...


HTC 2012 Q3 financial results

HTC have released their yet unaudited financial results for the Q3 of 2012. The numbers show a net profit of $133.2 million and $2.4 billion in revenues. It has certainly been a highly positive quarter for the company, yet the revealed information also shows a serious decline from this year’s Q2, when HTC had $3 billion in revenues and $273...


Three UK PAYG pricing for HTC Windows Phone 8X

After the smart HTC Windows Phone 8X was officially introduced to the world, we learned that its SIM-free version might cost a rather hefty £399. However, the last word is that Three UK, will be selling the smartphone off-contract for the easier to swallow £350 ($564/€436). Here is a picture, sent to us by a source from Three UK, where...


AT&T to be the exclusive provider of HTC One VX

The AT&T and HTC  cooperation seems to be going on quite well! First, AT&T became the exclusive carrier of the One X in the U.S., and now they are to be again granted exclusive rights with some of the newest HTC smartphones, namely the One X+ and the One VX. We were pleasantly thriled to hear about the One VX...

HTC One X and HTC One S will be updates with JB any time now 0

Jelly Bean for HTC One X and One S this month

HTC One S and HTC One X will join the JB family very soon HTC have confirmed that following the HTC One X+ already running the JB,  the HTC One X and the HTC One S will now also be getting their due Jelly Bean update before the end of October. In addition to the smoothness and fluidity that Project...


China press photo of HTC One X 5 stirred the e-world

The highly anticipated 5 inch HTC “monster” phablet has been talked about a lot lately. Over the past weekend however, rumors turned into speculations, since China press released a photo which allegedly showed the device, mentioning also that it is supposed to go by the name HTC DIx, or DROID Incredible X. It is still early to be sure of...


Samsung confirmed ready to sue Apple over LTE

Shall they ever stop and find a solution to their argumens? Seems almost impossible! After losing the latest lawsuit and having paid Apple a “delicious” compensation, Samsung has now found a reason to return the “favour”  and, according to Korea Times, citing an unnamed Samsung official, the company is  gearing up a lawsuit against Apple over LTE patents, and is...