Tagged: iOS 7


iOS 7 beta 2 enables taking of unwanted screenshots

The iOS 7 beta 2 has just been released and already many changes have been noticed in the platform compared to beta 1. One interesting change that will influence the work of different apps is that the active touches are now active in beta 2 allowing users to take screenshots without notifications. The main purpose of the canceled active touches...


iOS 7 beta 2 now available for tests by developers

The iOS 7 beta 1 was released right after the WWDC and even though we were more than happy to see what the update has to offer, the bugs and the missing features in the platform left the impression that Apple has been in a hurry to release the update and the work is still half done. Now the iOS...

iOS 7 was officially announced at WWDC 2013. 0

Apple iOS 7 Review

Introduction Surely there were a lot of displeased with the fact that iOS hasn’t been changed significantly since year 2007. So something had to be done and Apple did it – introduced a completely new design and a lot of new features to iOS 7, which was revealed at WWDC 2013 in San Francisco. Now the system looks absolutely different,...


Security flaw with the lockscreen detected in iOS 7 beta 1

iOS7 already arrived and even though it is still in its beta version, it is an object of testing, discussions and of course, criticizing. The platform is not perfect. Developers of Apple who had the chance to test it certainly will agree with this. Just a few days after it was released for developers’ purpose, some flaws have been detected...


A lot of older Apple devices will not be compatible with iOS 7

The difficult compatibility between generations is not an issue only in the real world; it is definitely a problem in the mobile world as well. The development a lot of new and fascinating devices and platforms is the best strategy that the manufacturers can follow, however if they don’t keep in mind the issue for the compatibility between the new...


New security improvements included in iOS 7

WWDC was the stage of the announcement of iOS 7. The new version of the platform developed by Apple aims to provide the most fulfilling user experience with a lot of new highly personalized features for entertainment, traveling, work etc. iOS 7 arrives with significant enhancements for the security of the smartphones as well. No, Apple has still not developed...

At last, multitasking is available on Apple devices, too. 0

Multitasking at last comes with iOS 7

Yes, beware of the multitasking of iPhone and its brand new (hmm…) iOS 7 system! Apple managed to achieve what every other system before it, especially Android, has already developed and has been using for ages – multitasking! According to the specialists, the new version of Apple’s system covers the distance passed by Android with one big leap. According to...