Category: Samsung

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Samsung Galaxy S5 to go innovative with a 4000mAh battery and better one-hand operations

How innovative will Samsung Galaxy S5 be? Through all the rumors regarding the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone, whether they suggest release dates or what camera it will feature, we can’t help but wonder what exactly to expect from the device itself. Four days ago, ETNews tipped the specs of the handset and in case the leaked information from insiders...

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Samsung announced another Galaxy Grand member- the Galaxy Grand Lite

Samsung Galaxy Grand Lite will arrive sometime before the MWC showcase Believe it or not, SamMobile has just confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy Grand Lite will be soon announced at MWC. First, we have the original Samsung Galaxy Grand with its 5-inch display and another version of the same handset with an LTE support for South Korea. Secord, only 4...

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Samsung has started rolling out the Jelly Bean update for Galaxy S4 once again

This time it’s a stability update to fix all issues that caused the original update to be put on hold Few days ago we received some news that Android 4.3 update for Samsung Galaxy S4 has been put on hold in several carriers, starting with AT&T and Cellular. As Galaxy S4 owners remember, those carriers started rolling out the update...

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Retailers will offer Galaxy Note 3 in red and white gold in January

Aside from the new colors, the specs stay the same Samsung Galaxy S4 offers a big spectre of color choices for its users from blue arctic to purple mirage red aurora, brown autumn and even pink twilight. Just splendid. Unfortunately for its bigger cousin, Samsung Galaxy Note 3 launched with classic black and white colors Clearly, colors aren’t that important...

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Samsung Galaxy S5 might arrive in two variants after entering mass production in January

The same insiders tip some new specs New Galaxy smartphone means new romors. The Korean site EtNews has just dropped the bomb that after the slow sales of Samsung Galaxy S4 the company is planning a new strategy. The new rumors deny the previous speculations that the next flagship Samsung Galaxy S5 will be released really soon in January. According...

Support for conference video calls is rumored for Galaxy S5 0

Galaxy S5 will support conference calls with video support, rumors say

New awesome feature for conference video calls is expected to be supported in Galaxy S5 The closer we get to the announcement of the next generation Galaxy S phone, the more rumors and predictions we hear about its new features and improvements. The excitement is definitely building up. The newest gossip about Samsung Galaxy S5 reveals one of the new...

Samsung offers customized smartphones for its corporate clients 0

Samsung is offering unique customized devices for the big companies

Samsung is approaching international companies to offer them customized smartphones Samsung is working on strengthening its relationships with the business. The company is planning to introduce custom made smartphones especially designed for big firms. Some of the targeted corporations include Pepsi, UPS, and Coca-Cola etc. Both, the corporations and Samsung will benefit from such cooperation. The unique devices will feature...

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US Cellular offers the small-sized Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini for only $50 on a contract

US Cellular also offers the handset for $500 without a service agreement included There are so many options to buy a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini in the US, as recently Verizon and Sprint brought the little smartphone to their stores. Few days ago we announced that the device arrived to Verizon for $399.99 without a contract or for $99.99 first...