Category: Apple


Apple promised a sync fix soon

Earlier we reported to you about the annoying bug affecting a great number of the devices that have recently updated to the new iOS6. It appears that when an iPhone or an iPad tries to sync the Apple Mail with the Microsoft Exchange Server, a mysterious issue prevents the synchronization and put the device and the server into a closed sync...


Microsoft suggests blocking the iPhones with iOS 6.1

As we reported to you, the iOS 6.1 update came, for a pity, with a few issues. The update improved SIRI and the LTE technology a bit, but prevented a great number of users from connecting to the internet by 3G or from synchronizing with Microsoft Exchange. The developers of Apple fixed the first problem quite fast, though. There are...


Low-budget iPhone coming in existence

It seems that from Apple realised that they would have far more profit with cheaper devices for the financially restricted fans of the company. So, the experts are expecting that they are designing a low cost version of iPhone 5, called iPhone 5 mini or iPhone 5 Air that would hit the market quite soon and its price will be...


23% of the iPhones are with broken screens

One of the nightmares for every smartphone owner is to drop it on the ground. After every such case the first five seconds are the tensest – is the screen cracked or scratched? An insurance company recently released a poll results among the users of iPhone and the statistic is a little unlikely – 23% of the iPhone screens are...


Evasi0n team breaks all records – 7 million jailbreaks for 4 days!

No, there is no mistake in the title of this article – 7 million people have used the evad3rs team’s new iOS 6 Jailbreak since it was released 4 days ago, announced Jay Freeman from Cydia. The website that provides apps for iPhones with a jailbreak has recorded a traffic of about 7 000 000 users last night, which is a few...


Mophie Juice Pack available to iPhone 5 users

As most of us can confirm, one of the biggest disadvantages of the smartphones is the short life of their batteries. A few hours of browsing, talking and using dry it up completely, not to mention playing. However, there are companies that try to take care of this issue and one of them is Mophie with their extremely useful products...


iTunes with a record in song selling

According to the latest Apple release, their iTunes has just sold the 25 000 000 000 song since the day it was released in 2003. This intoxicating quantity affirms the company’s top position in the music market. The lucky milestone song is performed by Chase Buch and its name is “Monkey Drums (Goksel Vancin Remix).” And speaking of the person, who bought it,...


No off-market banning for Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Apple would still gladly see the Samsung Galaxy Nexus 4 off the market. However, the Cupertino manufacturer won’t get this satisfaction, since a US appeals court judge has officially reiterated that it would not impose a sales ban on the Galaxy Nexus. In this particular law dispute between hot rivals Samsung and Apple, as well as in quite a number...


Apple providing developers with fifth iOS 6.1 beta version

On Saturday Apple released a fifth iOS 6.1 beta and fed it to the developers. The company’s latest mobile OS is still under testing, but it is expected to bring users a number of features, including enhanced mapping options and Siri-integration, when it launches later this year. Rumors claim that Apple would soon be rolling out an iOS 6.1 Golden...


Apple plans to jump to 128GB iOS devices

A thorough inspection of Apple’s latest iOS 6.1 beta has revealed that Apple may be planning to introduce an iOS device with double the built-in storage of today’s highest capacity iPhones and iPads. The news comes from iDownloadBlog, and notes the usual 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB partition keys are joined by a new 128GB designation in the iOS 6.1...