Category: Apple


Apple and Samsung take all of the handset profits

Once again, combined Apple and Samsung take all of the profits in the Smartphone business. According to a new Canaccord Genuit report which was released yesterday, Apple takes 57% of the profit, while Samsung takes the remaining 43%. Combined, both companies received 100% of the handset profits for the first quarter of 2013. Despite the positive results, Apple is losing...


Apple is expected to start a web radio service, sources say

Different sources reveal that Apple is very close to an internet licensing agreement with Universal Music Group. It is expected that the deal will be closed in the next few days, followed by negotiations with the other major players in the musical business – Warner Music and Sony Music. The future streaming service is expected to be similar to Pandora,...

Apple lost its suit against Motorola for the slide-and-unlock gesture patent. 0

Apple loses slide-to-unlock patent trial in Europe

Now, that’s a news! The strong hold of Apple in its native country seems to be totally unimportant in Germany, where a German court decided that an Apple patent is invalid. So, if Apple doesn’t do something, the well-known slide-and-unlock gesture will be something they don’t have rights on. The problem with this patent started last year when Apple sued...

This is an alleged scheme of iPhone 5S,but we are not sure whether it is real or fake. 0

First scheme of iPhone 5S leaked

Above you can see a scheme of what is said to be iPhone 5S. Below are two other pictures and they are not with a perfect quality and certainly are not professional, but quite a lot about iPhone. In fact, if we had a normal picture, but not a scheme, it would show us much less than what we see...

iPhone 5S is rumoured, but not likely to get wireless charging. 0

iPhone 5S won’t support wireless charging

These days wireless charging becomes more and more popular and a lot of people consider it a must-have feature of the new high-end phones. There are some reports that Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5S will support it, but for now it seems that the next generation iPhone won’t come with it. Let’s summarize briefly the rumours so far and decide...

Nokia will involve in the trial between Apple and Samsung - on the side of Apple! 1

Apple and Nokia unite against Samsung

Nokia has joined Apple in its bid for permanent injunctions against a number of products of the Korean giant Samsung. Thus the Finnish company becomes the only outside supporter of Apple in the suit. Nokia filed the full brief at the U.S. Court of Appeal on Monday (the Federal Circuit in Washington is sealed now). There was a summary that...


New update of iOS 6 comes out soon

It seems that Apple just can’t make its iOS 6 perfect. Every next update fixes previous bugs and creates new ones. We informed you that about a week after the iOS 6 came out, evasi0n team released a jailbreak, which was used by more than 7 000 000 devices in the first four days. Meanwhile, it appeared that the new...


First iPhone 5S leaks

No sooner has the iPhone 5 come out than the new rumours about the further plans of the company started. There has been much of a discussion on the Internet and the most widespread opinion is that Apple is working on 3 new iPhones – iPhone S5, iPhone 5 mini and iPhone 6. And the braver predictors say that all...


Apple and Staples plan to work together in the USA

The large and famous chain Staple has about 2 000 stores in USA and Canada. The customers in Canada can already buy Apple products from the company stores and now Apple is planning to sign the same contract in the USA. In fact, this serious distribution expansion may be crucial for both sides and for the customers, but nothing is...