glƏƏk! for Windows Phone 8
The popular Twitter client glƏƏk! is now available for Windows Phone 8 so users can take full advantage of the new tools and functionality available. The developer, Liquid Daffodil has introduced a number of new features in glƏƏk!, pleasing those who have invested in a new Windows Phone 8.
Among these new features: custom wallpapers are now beamed down from Starship Enterprise should the user configure glƏƏk! to have access to the device lock screen. The setting will include a selection of high quality images that show off the larger displays found on Windows Phone 8 hardware. Both, the counter and billboard for new mentions, are now supported, to be used when customising the locked view. But what’s probably more interesting to power users are the added voice commands that are now present in glƏƏk!
Download glƏƏk! for Windows Phone 8