Bugsensitive App for Windows Phone Apps Developers for Reporting on Bugs and Crashes
Bugsensitive App for Real Time Reports on Bugs and Crashes for Windows Phone
The Bugsensitive app is another app for Windows Phone. It has been released by BugSense which is a service for developers who build apps for Android, iOS or Windows Phone devices. The service helps creators of content. It provides bugs reporting and crash reporting, analytics and more services. These are provided in real time to help improve apps quality. That s the first Windows Phone 8 client which enables users to get their reports on bugs and crashes on the go. They can eliminate them quickly after they get the reports. As a result apps and games provide more enjoyable experiences for users.
The Bugsensitive app is a must for developers. It was released a short time ago, and it is becoming more and more popular. Developers who wish to use the Bugsensitive app need to get a BugSense API first. They can register for free, at www.bugsense.com. After they register and get the API, they can start using Bugsensitive.
After users install the Bugsensitive app on their Windows Phone devices, they have to enter their API token in order to sign in. Then all their projects are shown and can be accessed. Users can see all bug reports, details etc. These give them ideas of possible mistakes. Thus they can think of ways to decrease the number of problems in using the app.
The Bugsensitive app supports Live Riles. These show the number of errors found since the last running of the app. That is another convenience which facilitates the work of developers. When they have ideas about more improvements for future releases or want to suggest some new features, they can inform the Bugsensitive app developers. They can contact the developers team via their website: www.rwrbrille.at. They can also follow them on Twitter here. The Bugsensitive app for Windows Phone 8 can be downloaded from here.