Watch the demonstration of the stress tests of Galaxy S4
Almost everything connected to the producing process of the modern smartphones is a mystery for most of the mobile users. When we buy a device, we usually know what to look for. We know to choose the well protected display, the phones made by the most durable materials etc. The modern smartphones arrive with a rich package of features and capabilities not only for improving of their functionality, but also improving their durability. Modern users are looking for devices that are practical, multifunctional and durable to survive in tough conditions, during active usage.
Smartphones go through countless tests of all kinds before they become available to the general public. Some of the most interesting demonstrations are the stress tests. They reveal a great part of the possibilities of the device to work in extreme conditions and environments.
Recently, Samsung revealed an exciting video showing part of the stress tests provided on Samsung Galaxy S4. A lot of the tests put the device under very extreme conditions, like very high and very low temperatures – something that the common devices will never have to experience during ordinary usage in the real life.
The phone has gone through drop tests of different kinds, water tests, and significant stress tests. In one of the demonstrations, the screen of Samsung Galaxy S4 was hit by a serious weight that almost makes the viewer cringe. The device was tested in every way you can think about, including a test where the smartphone was covered with clay-like material. It is obvious that the Korean manufacturer is absolutely confident in the durability of their device. However, please do not try this at home…. it is highly recommended not to provide any tests on your Samsung Galaxy S4.
What do you think about the demonstration? Do you believe a bit more in the capabilities of Galaxy S4? Share with us.
Source: YouTube