20% time Google project is almost over
A few days ago new information came up that the 20% time Google project is now officially being pushed aside to provide more time to other more structured experimentation environment such as Google X Labs. Google has changed its policies once again in order to make it much more difficult for employees to get the extra time around the 20% time. Currently some Google engineers comment on the changes that were implemented. For now it seems that 20% time is not a hundred per cent dead yet but it is pretty close to that point. What is even more mind-boggling is that some engineers say that the reported changes in the Google policy are not even true. There is no need to ask for special permission to work on a 20% time projects at least not in the engineering department as it seems. That being said, 20% time has been seriously phased out because of time issues connected to the whole project.
It seems that the main problem around this whole project is not the engineers or its characteristics but rather the time it takes up. There are a lot of Google employees who will tell you that “the problem is that you actually need 40% time now at Google — 20% to do stuff, then 20% to tell everyone what you did (sell it).” Some others jokingly refer to 20% time as “120% time” When you come to consider it “while you can use Google resources to pursue independent projects, it is nearly impossible to get away from your existing schedule. So, any additional projects tend to be pushed to nights and weekends, rather than standard work hours. “
So there is not much that you can do and this is what it will be like. The 20% time project is near its end and we will see what will happen next.
Source: Quartz